Sunday, October 26, 2008

Parenting Political Principles

As I wrote yesterday I talked about someone in Washington having the guts to treat America like parents would treat a child. Here is more about what I was thinking.

As we parent our children, we begin with the end in mind. That means we want our children to be good communicators, helpful to others, responsible with their money and their life, and more.

In order to arrive at those goals, we add to our children's responsibilities over time asking more of them until they are ready to stand on their own. Financially, we take care of all their needs until they can begin to work at home to earn additional money to spend as they see fit. They have to save some and give some to help others.

If a politician began to think and act like this, they would have my vote. America needs to take a long look at what it values and how we got to this point financially and in our society. Perhaps we need to go back to some basics and become conservative financially and liberal in how we take care of others.

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