Friday, March 28, 2008

Grace in a funny place

So, hypothetically, if you are in a bathroom in the airport and you do your work. You reach for the paper to complete the mission and can seem to find any. Surely your just not finding the end of the role so you frantically scratch at the cardboard tube, hoping a flake will appear...Nothing.

Now it's decision time. Do you ask your stall mate (one seat to the left)? Do you "pull-up" and go next door to the empty stall? What to do????? Long pause as your mind races.

Then suddenly, as if a light shined from Heaven behind you, you remember the seat covers. Those blessed little helpers of seat separation! Well, grace was shown to me on the throne that day! So being the good natured person that I am, I shoved a few extras into the T.P. dispenser for the next poor soul!

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