Lately I have this sense that we are moving forward at camp in exciting new ways. There are basic plans for expansion, but the reality is finances, and making sure our plans fit into the City of Prescott plans! Not always easy to navigate either one!
Throw on top of that the possibility of additional land (more than one option) and you get the sense that there is a lot of moving parts. Try to plan in this environment and you will understand what we are up against. Is it okay, for a leader of a God following organization to not have the plan? Is it okay to wait for God to show what's next?
Well, I am not that leader (Greg is), but I wonder about the conflict of a leader who is "supposed" to know what is next for an organization, and trying to find what God wants for the organization when it doesn't happen in the time frame that many would expect.
Honestly, can a God lead leader wait? More specifically, will those working with that leader allow the wait on God's vision to unfold? I am in....I get it!!!! It's going to be amazing and perfect! Can't wait to see what the next 10 years holds!
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