I found myself sitting in a coffee shop yesterday in Ojai, CA. It's a small town not far from the coast and it has a little of the Sedona, AZ feel to it! I liked the quaint downtown and the coffee was great.
The purpose of my visit was to meet a vendor that camp has worked with for years. We have created many shirts, bottles and other products over the years, but I have never met Russ in person. Yesterday would be that day!
We began talking about business, but things quickly moved to the recent death of his wife of 35 years. It was heartbreaking listening to a man talk about the loss in his life, but it's compounded with additional loss. A journey like his (dealing with a death) is unique and very difficult. Many have tried to be helpful, but at times it feels like their help brings more guilt. Their suggestions to be in church or to have "enough" faith strike further blows!
He is "mad as hell" at times, and I would be too! Perhaps the best thing any of us can do is, listen and try not to sound stupid or knowledgeable! I found myself understanding his pain, his lack of church attendance (too many memories), but encouraging his continued pursuit of God! Life is never easy and then things like this happen that really bring turmoil. How you deal with those in your life says a lot about your faith in Jesus. Be loving and don't try to have all the answers! Thats' my best encouragement for you!
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