Thursday, February 4, 2010

Leadership Exposed

Are you watching? Are you listening to what is being said? Leadership is tough...You can say whatever you want, and it may come back to haunt you. However, what YOU DO matters least in my opinion.

While I prefer President Bush to President Obama, I have never met either man. They have both taken on a difficult task and both have done some things well and other things not so well.

As I listen to what is being said today and compare it to actions taken you will understand why I say that leadership is difficult. In the end, I prefer to reserve my judgement based on the actions taken more than the words given. Case in point is a great blog by an anti-bush writer. Read it and consider the lessons.


Cro Magnon said...

Interesting. On our side of 'The Pond'(I'm from UK but live in France) we are encouraged to believe that all Americans are pro Obama and anti Bush. Personally I like to await a politician's legacy, rather than believe his rhetoric, before making judgements.

David Coyne said...

Well said Cro Magnon