Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Follow up to "Christmas this year" post

If you read the post from last Sunday, and read Matt's comments in reply, you will better understand what I am going to write next.

First, let me lay some groundwork. Matt and I are friends, in fact his desk at work sits 20 feet from mine. Matt loves the Church as the Bride of Christ and will defend her from attacks.

Matt's point in writing was to ask me to not unfairly blame the "church" for judgment of people. In actuality it's not the church that judges people...it's PEOPLE who judge people. The act of judgment happens in and out of church by young & old, black or brown, Christian or not Christian.

My purpose in writing the "Christmas this year" post was declare the love God has for everyone regardless of what you may feel.

Part of what has transpired in my life over the past few years is a search to better follow Jesus Christ, to understand what the church is supposed to look like and what I should do to help the American Church become what God wants.

As for me, I have determined that the Church in America today may not be all that Jesus desires it to be, but I AM GOING TO BE PART OF IT! I believe that Jesus wants me, as an individual, to follow Him. When I follow Him, act as He acted, live like He lived, love like He loved, invest in what He invested in then I am becoming part of the Church that He desires.


Beth Shellhart said...

Matt again here, I really should get my on log on.

I could not agree more with this post. Keep it up David.

Don Crane said...

I agree with you David and I agree with Matt. God has laid on my heart this year a great desire to seek Christ-followers and motivate Church-goers to move to the Christ-follower column. Your articles and posts are summed up in that for me. Thanks for stimulating our thoughts and prayers in this area.

AND Merry Christmas.