I often vote Republican because I tend to think in more conservative concepts. I am not a die-hard conservative, but there are some definite areas in my life that trend that direction.
For example, we teach RESPONSIBILITY to our children. That means if they make a mistake, they own it and work to correct it.
We teach HARD WORK really makes a difference. We want our children to do everything in their power to provide for themselves through hard work.
We teach INDEPENDENCE! I expect our children to leave this household and go out on their own to make their way in this world.
Along the way, Lori and I will love them and encourage them. We will help assist them when they have needs, but ultimately they will have to stand on their own.
If you read this, my guess is that you agree for the most part about these simple ideas in parenting. What if we apply those same concepts to the people of America? Somehow there is a confused message. Americans may promote these concepts personally, but they want to opposite from Government?
I have been opposed to the recent Stimulus Plan because a good portion of it goes against these ideals listed above. My frustration with Congressional leaders is the arrogance they possess when they act in opposition to the will of the American People.
As a Christ-follower I know that these things are temporary and that the Coyne family will be okay whether or not America is rich or poor. Many times I get fired up over issues like this and that keeps me from being helpful to others and my family. So today, I choose to depend on someone (Jesus) other than my elected officials in Washington! Where is your dependence?
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