Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Student Ministry Giving

I had lunch with some church staff members yesterday. As we were talking about what they value in their different areas of church work, the Youth Pastor spoke about "Zero Budget". He went on to explain the the youth department took ZERO dollars from the general church budget in 2008. They decided to teach the students to give so all money to operate would come from the students only!

That process began and they decided to give 15% to the rest of their church (Big Church). Later they decided to give 25% to a foreign mission. At the end of the year they were operating with more money than the previous year even though they were giving 40% away! Great example of giving. His goal was to raise a generation of students who understand "how to give" and "how to live" because they use this money to benefit people.

I hope this challenges you to use your resources to help people and make a significant difference in the lives of people you know!

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